Sunday, October 17, 2010

Frontierville - The Adobe Plugin has crashed

Since our computer got broken I only have time to play frontierville when my sister-in-law brings her laptop. But what disappoints me is that aside from it loading to slow is the game crashing due to adobe plugin. After waiting for a few minutes for it to load will only end up on nothing. I would try reloading it several times and getting the same thing. I am playing this in google chrome but encountering the same thing also in mozilla. I found a fix online for mozilla. It did remove that error but the bad thing is it did not fix the internet blast lost connection thing. Haayss. 

For mozilla users follow the instruction below:
1. On your address bar type about:config. You will see the screen below.

2. Just click on I'll be careful, I promise!
3. In the filter box type dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs (it is easier to just copy and paste this)
4. Double click dom.ipc.plugins.timeoutSecs and change number to -1.

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