Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pros and Cons of not Having a Computer

Its been more than a month since our computer motherboard finally give up. I don't a budget yet so I haven't replace it. I guess having no computer at home do have some advantages and disadvantages and here they are:


  • I have better sleep because I no longer spend hours and hours of my time in front of the computer especially after work
  • Our electricity bill went down (P1000 difference from the previous bill, wew!)
  • I was able to watch cartoons with my kid
  • I realized that I can live without PC, (@_@)


  • I cannot pay my bill online
  • I cannot check my cc / ATM status
  • I cannot check my email for important updates
  • I cannot do blogging which is my sideline
  • I cannot read chikas and do social networking... missing my Facebook
Haayss... its really a hassle for me. I guess I just need to control the usage of it once I buy a new motherboard.

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