Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Long Lost Friend

When I started using Facebook I get hook to it easily and forget about my friendster account. Once in a while I would still open my friendster but I no longer update it. I love the wall post, the live chat, sharing of pics and photo, tagging, different applications.... I am really enjoying facebook. I used to watch pictures of my highschool and college friends, relatives and previous officemates. Its fun to see how they are doing now. Some are now working abroad, some look fabulous, some already have kids, some are just having fun and some just stay the same. I enjoy watching their pictures and some pictures of the past. 

Last week to my surprise my "kababata" (childhood friend), Apple, added me as a friend. She was my playmate when our family move to Paete Laguna to try our luck in bakery. We stayed there for one year and eventually go back to Pasay where we used to live. I was in grade 5 then. There is already computer but it is not as popular as now. We used to play chinese garter, sipa and touch taya. When we move back to Pasay we still have our communication through regular mail. It was fun reading letter from a friend. I think I still have her letters somewhere in our house. I don't know what happen why we stopped the communication. She is now a grown up lady and still single. I know she will grow up as a beautiful girl. Too bad my computer at home got broken so I am unable to access my Facebook account as often as I wanted. I hope I would still meet other long lost friend that I have, maybe someone from elementary.

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