Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Credit Card

I got a phone call last Monday from East West Bank offering me a credit card. I have two cc which I already reach the limit. Haay, I don't know if its a good idea to have one more card, I guess not. Financially we are struggling. It's been a year since I give birth to my second child which worsen our financial issue. Her vaccines are too expensive plus the milk and diaper that she needs every month. As a mother I sacrifice a lot of things. I even think twice before spending a P100, that's how hard it is. I maybe earning a lot but with all the payables that I have and the only one working, what I am getting every month is not enough. I actually decided to get another credit card so that I have something to use if I don't have money. 

Sometimes I pity myself, I am thinking if I'm only single I could have enjoyed a lot of things with what I have. I could buy the clothes that I want, I could travel to different places, I could buy gadgets, I could enjoy life more. But I told myself I need to be strong, self-pity would not help at all. I know in God's help we will be able to recover from this. Someday I will share this experience on how I was able to recover and be an inspiration to others. God is the strength of my heart and the smile from kids give me courage not to give up.

1 comment:

  1. Bes, just look at your children and you will feel okay.. and yes, God is our strenght.. miss you...
