Thursday, August 5, 2010

Evil World

I rarely watch television. Earlier while waiting for my phone to ring at work I visited I've read different news about politics, showbiz, regional news etc. It really saddens me of what is happening to our world. I've read a story of a high school student who killed his classmate by stabbing him with a screw driver, a story of an OFW who got pregnant by a different guy due to loneliness working abroad, a story of an OFW who went back to the Philippines and find out that her son is did not enrolled to any school and just wasted the money that she is sending, a man who killed an abortionist because he is against with what he is doing, a debate in the Philippines if we will make abortion legal or not, statistics showing an increase in number of abortion in the country, corruption in the government, broken families, a mother accidentally killed her daughter by putting her inside a sack as a punishment, a mother because of poverty tries to sell her baby for only P1000... lots of bad news. There are some good news but are very very few. Reading these articles melts my heart and at the same time makes me afraid. I also hear stories within our area about holdapers, murder, rape, etc. I work at graveyard shift so I always travel at night. Thinking about what is happening around me scares me that I might be with these bad guys on my way to work. Every time I ride a vehicle going to work I always whisper "God please guide us." I guess evil will always be there as long as we are here on earth. I pray to God not to experience any trauma that might cause me to have great anger that can swallow me. 

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