Wednesday, June 30, 2010

We Almost Got a Car

One morning my mother sends me a text message. She said my uncle is selling his old car. I replied to her and said I don't have the money now, probably by December. The other day she called me and said my brother Darwin will get the car. What happen was my uncle went to my aunts and told her to lend money either to me or to my brother to buy his car. He said if she will not do that he would lend the money himself. wew! Since my brother is a godchild of my aunt she decided to lend the money to him to get the car. Anyway I know we will be able to get our own car too, in God's time. I wanted to have a Toyota model since what they say accessories and repair is more available and cheaper compare to other model. If we get our own car I will try to save extra money to add chrome accessories to it to make it more elegant. My husband already knows how to drive so I will just ask him to teach me. I hope by next year before we move to our new house we already have our own car.

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