Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Lack of Sleep Causes Gain Weight

I cannot believe what I just read. I though before too much sleeping causes gain weight but then I find out that it is lack of sleep that causes it. Aw....  bad for me. I work at a graveyard shift and I only get 3-4 hours of sleep everyday. Most of the time I spent my hours playing computer games or browsing the net. After giving birth to my second child I gain more weight. My OB told me that the injection that I am getting for family planning can cause gain weight. And now lack of sleep too! waaaah!!!

I've read that lack of sleep causes change in our hormones. We have these two hormones called leptin and ghrelin who check and balances our feeling of hunger and fullness. Lack of sleep causes our leptin level to go down which in effect make us don't feel satisfied after eating. Ghrelin hormone increases if you lack sleep and this stimulates your appetite. Some what true to me, I don't feel full right away unless I stop and rest for a while. It takes time before my brain tells me that I am full. I hope I can control myself more and have a better sleep.

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