Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dota 6.67c Linken Sphere Bug

Yesterday I was searching if there is already a 6.67d map for DOTA. While searching this in Google I saw this article about the linken sphere bug

I saw that (the picture above) before while playing but I was not able to click on it. I don't know if it is one of my team who did it or one of our enemy. If you have linken sphere you can actually create a  linken sphere rune (like the picture above). Other hero can pick it and use it once. Below is an instruction on how to do it using sandking.

1. Pick Sand King and Level up Burrowstrike.
2. Buy Linken's Sphere and drop it on the ground.
3. Now, Pick it up using Right Click.
4. While moving Hold Shift, Left click Burrowstrike on cast it on Sand King itself.
5. Linken's sphere rune will appear on the ground

They said this can be done by other heroes. Just follow the steps and use other skill on step four. I haven't tried it though maybe next time, hehehe.

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