Wednesday, May 12, 2010

First Automated Election

Last May 10 was the first automated election here in the Philippines. I am not that excited to vote though because as expected there is always a long queue. Supposedly me and my mom would vote at the same time but my dad told us not to bring the kids there. I told my mom to go first and I will vote when she is done. She said the queue was very long so she took a number for me. My number was 201 and when I arrived on my precinct they are calling number 203. I was able to vote right away, wew. The teacher did not ask for any ID or any identification. She just told me to sign and give me my ballot. Wow! it is very easy then to be a flying voter. They should work on this. I would say it is easier to shade rather than writing the name of the candidates. I am happy I was able to vote. God bless our country! I pray that whoever wins will be a good leader and not someone who will give more burden to the people.

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