Thursday, May 13, 2010

Byaheng Totoo - Tawi-Tawi

Tawi-Tawi (by: Sandra Aguinaldo)

Tawi-tawi is an island province of the Philippines located in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM). Even though it the 3rd largest producer of fish in the country most of the people here are still in poverty. One of the reason is the lack of electricity. Only 14% of the population here have electricity and to those who have they are experiencing brown outs very often. The price of the electricity is also more expensive compare to the price of electricity in Manila. Due to poverty here not every one can afford to pay for electricity, it is far more important to them to have food and shelter.

Since it is not safe for a reporter to travel in Tawi-tawi, Sandra, was accompanied by the soldiers there to avoid kidnapping. She visited Brgy. Karundong, a capitol of Bungao (Tawi-tawi's capital) and there she met a lola who never experience electricity all her life. When asked if she knew who is the country's president, she mention Marcos or Macapagal, who was a president a long time ago. Due to lack of electricity they are not getting news or updates of what is happening in the country. Lola said she love her grandchildren so much and hoping for a better future for them. One of her grand daughter, who is in 3rd year high school, studies at night using "gasera".

I can't imagine living all my life without electricity. A brownout of just an hour makes me impatient. Imagine living a life without television, radio, ref, internet, cellphone, lights, game console etc. Due to no electricity they are deprived of the good technology. They are still living similar to how our ancestors lived. Every time you switch a light on or use any modern gadget think of those people in the remote areas of tawi-tawi. They haven't experience living a life with electricity. To the next president of the country, I hope you will be able to develop the said area and give better employment to the people. I guess if they earn more they will be able to afford to pay for electricity.

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