Thursday, May 13, 2010

Byaheng Totoo - Maguindanao

Byaheng Totoo - Maguindanao (by: Michael Fajatin)

Maguindanao is part of the ARMM (Autonimous Region of Muslim Mindanao) which last year is very popular because of the Ampatuan massacre. 80% of the source of income there are from people working as an employee of the government. In ARMM, Maguindanao has the lowest literacy rate wherein 3 out of 10 citizens can neither read or write. Rich people in the said area are studying in different places in the country.

Michael visited a school there where in students commutes everyday by crossing a crocodile infested lake. The depth of the lake is more than 2 floors. Aside from that there are lots of rebels surrounding the area. These kids needs to go through this hazard every day just to study.

Students crossing a lake to reach their school
their school doesn't have roof before
Teacher Conchita with her students

Teacher Conchita is a very inspiring teacher. Instead of working in other places of the country or abroad she stays with these kids even she is only earning 1/4 of the salary compare to the teachers in Manila. Government doesn't supply their needs. Even for the chalk she needs to go to Cotobato to buy one (at her expense) and she uses rug as her eraser. She said most of her 60 students doesn't know how to read and write but they always have perfect attendance. These kids are thirsty for education. They uses one notebook for their 9 subjects, their school doesn't have roof before Michael came, no lights, there are grass growing on the floor of their school, no water and no bathroom. Lack of basic education facilities is really a huge problem in the area.

In some places affected by the rebel, students continue to study in the evacuation center. Michael saw a young boy, a 2nd year high school graduate, teaching the kids. The government is unable to provide classroom in Maguindanao. The ratio of teach to student there is 50:1. There was even a school that is near a river which is always in water ever since but they are still using it. Four children are asked what they want to be when they grow up they answered nurse, police, soldier and teacher. Michael says "luho ang mangarap" (it is a luxury to dream) for them. Teacher Conchita write on the notebook her request to the next president and some of the kids put their palm print using mud.

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