Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tongue Tie

We brought Rhaine Danielle to her pedia early this morning to have a measles vaccine. While she was crying her pedia noticed something on her tongue. She said it looks like she has a tongue tie. That is the first time I've heard of it. The doctor says there might be a need to do a small cut on the flesh that is holding her tongue (called frenulum). Hearing the word "cut" scares me.

When I got home I started to google about it. It is also known as 'Ankyloglossia' or 'anchored tongue.' Base on what I've read it is common but usually overlooked. One of the major consequence of untreated tongue tie  is difficulty in speech. For infants you will notice that the baby has difficulty in breastfeeding. They will also have problem chewing/swallowing when you first introduce solid food.

On my baby's case it looks like her frenulum is attached near the front of her tongue. One symptom that I noticed is chewing of food. When I first introduce cerelac, she was having problem swallowing it. Most of the food comes out. I just ignored it thinking she is not yet ready. I just realized now that is one of the effect of her short tongue. I also noticed that she cannot move her tongue more than her gum line. I am afraid of the surgery but I am also concern that she might have difficulty on her speech. I've read some mommies who had their babies undergone the surgery and sounds like nothing to worry. Maybe on our next visit I will talk to her pedia about it.

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