Thursday, January 7, 2010

Great Start

Part of our metrics at work is QA or Quality Assurance. It is not just about resolving customers issue but we should be able to resolve customer's concern while following certain guidelines. Mostly it includes
  • how you communicate to the customer like showing empathy
  • assuring the customer that you are there to help
  • using customers name to make the call personal
  • accurately logging the notes
  • giving accurate resolution
  • setting customers expectation
  • being polite & respectful (khit naiinis ka na)
  • giving reference number
  • asking for any other concern
  • etc.
Lately I've been getting very low QA and my TL asked me to make SMART goals to be able to cope up. Most of my mark down refers to giving Road Map, using customer's name (duh??), good rapport, use of AAA (Apologize, Acknowledge & Assure), active listening and effective use of questioning.

I told my TL I would be able to fix most of these but I would have a hard time with rapport and use of AAA. I am a quiet type of person and I don't really talk a lot and it is not in my personality to apologize specially if it is not my fault, hehehe. She said that she also have issues with her QA before when she was still taking in calls. It is just a matter of practicing it everyday until it becomes a habit. 

Well, good news, I just got my first QA for this year and I was able to get 92.47%. Our passing is 85% , which I am not hitting before. The subject of the email from our QA , Linette, says Week 1- Great Start. Every time I take a call now all of those weaknesses that I have are running on my mind, hehehe. And I am trying to at least make sure that I am giving out my best to be able to put in to action what our QA is looking for. 

It is really a Great Start and I am praying that everything else on my career will follow. Yehey!

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