Sunday, January 10, 2010

Endaya Clan Reunion 2010

Every year we have our Endaya Reunion held in Cuenca, Batangas. There I met Tita Vivian who is a cousin of my mom. We really had a very big family. My great grandpa had 2 wives. He had 9 kids from his first wife and 5 kids on the 2nd. I wonder how come in those days a lot of people have a lots of kid. They say life was so hard then but they were able to raise a very big family. And take note those kids now have a very stable life. My lolo actually have 13 kids. Its amazing to know your ancestors and find out where you came from. I hope this gathering will continue as long as Endaya Clan lives.

Family Tree of Endaya Clan starting from my Great Grandfather

My Lolo & Lola

This year the motif of the reunion is hawaiian. Mostly everyone are wearing clothes with floral design and some are wearing swim wear dresses while others just come as they are. As usual there are lots of food for everyone. I wonder how many litson they have because it was overflowing hehehe. There is also ice cream stand on both ends of the area if you want to chill up. To make the event interesting there was a raffle for everyone, there are some gift bags and cash given away. They also give out bubbles and magic towel for the kids. A lot of people also participated by showing their talents by singing, dancing and having a simple joke skit. To make the event memorable they put a photo booth so that you can have a picture with your family, and thats for free.

David with his Hawaiin outfit



  1. cnungalingt ang r.a tomo agency wag n kyo mg aaply jan lolokohin lng kyo nyn.

  2. 22o lht ng blog about sa juta mahamega nyn. nand2 kmi now sa malaysia kya bbala ulit sa lhat.wlang ot d2 hlf slary ang deduction d2. ambu comp kmi. mas mdmi and forceleave kysa work. 850ringgit lng slary.450 ddction, ala na mtitira sau pgkain mpa at ibang nids. pano p pmilya mo sa pinas if pamilyado ka. mga walang awa ang juta at R.A TOMO nyn.mga CNUNGALING.kya wag n kayo apply jan lalo n kung malaysia, mgkasabwat ang R.A TOMO at Juta mahamega nyan
