Friday, January 22, 2010

Egay Tinapay

At work we have two shuttle service who pick us up going to work and also bring us to a drop point going home. Everyday, after the end of our shift, I always hurry to be able to catch the first shuttle. It is because the 2nd shuttle will only leave if everyone is ready to go. This means there should be no more agent on a phone call so that the TL and the workforce can leave too.

Yesterday I got a call around 9am which is the end of our shift. It was a quick call and I was able to finish it right away. But then most people are on a hurry so I missed the first shuttle. There are still agents on the phone so I decided to go the bathroom to take a pee and after wards buy food for our lunch at home. I ride the van while others are smoking and chatting outside. James pass by driving a van and Cal decided to go with him since he will go to SM Bacoor which is very near to Cal's house. I guess it is already more than 30 mins and still the shuttle haven't leave. We find out that Egay was still on the call. He was one of the great old man at work who is knowm for building rapport not only with our customers but to everyone. If you ask him something expect a very broad answer. (peace tau Egay!) Good thing Myra was there to entertain us while waiting. She had a lot of funny stories about her experiences with our customers. She is a good story teller because you will really feel what she talks about. Her tone while telling the story and  her memory of the actual name and words  of the customer somewhat amazes me. I guess it is because I don't have good memory and because of that a good story sounds nothing when I tell it. (haha)

Egay finished the call around 10am which an hour after a shift. In which if I was able to catch the first shuttle I am already home. Well, I got home at pass 11am. Good for him, he gets paid for the 1hr OT but us who waited it is OTY (Oh Thank You).

Hey! Egay you owe us something, you should buy pansit for the OT pay that you get... hehehe.