Friday, January 15, 2010

David is Sick

Wednesday night I was helping David with his assignment. After writing letter Hh and Ll and coloring some fruits and vegetable he told me he is already tired and would like to rest. I thought he was just playing around since at school if he doesn't feel like writing he would tell his teacher that he is sleepy. I did check his temperature and its only 37 degrees. The next day my husband told me that David actually did get fever during the night ranging from 38-39.

My husband did not let David go to school Thursday & Friday. We are planning to bring him to the doctor later after my shift. I guess due to sudden increase of temperature most people now have colds and cough. Actually all of us Robin, me, David and Rhaine all have colds. David doesn't have good immune system when it comes to colds and cough. Most of the time he gets confined because of a bad cough accompanied by fever. I hope and pray that he will not get confine and will get well right away.


  1. nakakatuwa nga eh.. pag-uwi ko khapon eh masigla na cia at wla na lagnat so ndi na nmin pinacheck up. Thanks!
