Thursday, October 15, 2009

Struggle from Within

Rules are created to set limits. Without rules our world will be a disaster. It is use to set an expectation of what can happen if you do something. How would you feel when all of the rules given to you are all about punishment? It makes me feel like my world is getting small because of to much don'ts. If you are used to have a life with rules that are not being implemented seriously or not being followed all the time. And then all of the sudden everything changed, you will be reprimanded if you will not follow. Which do you think is better?

I believe rules are very important and it will be a mess without it. I guess I am just having a problem coping up. What I need to do is to look on the brighter side and think of it as if a discipline coming from a strict father. He is doing it for my own good. I just prayed that one day his approach will be change on how to influence me on how to become a better person.

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