Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Silver Certified

Part of our job requirement is to be able to finish certifications. We are required to finish Bronze and Silver Certification at a certain deadline or else we can get warnings or can even lead to termination. I would say it is laziness if you get terminated because of not being able to finish it. The certifications comes in 3 process; Homework, Hands On and Online Test.

Homework - You need to answer list of question about a certain APC products
Hands On - This will test if you understand what you have answered on your home work because you will be ask to do things on the actual APC unit.
Online Test - just like the name you need to pass an online examination about the product

Bronze Certification is now part of the regularization process. So if you will not be able to finish it within 6 months you will not get regularized and you will be given an extension. I am not sure though how long. I was not able to finish my Silver before because of my maternity leave. I came back to work in September and thank God I was able to finish it earlier today. It is a relief on my side so I don't need to worry of anything else and can work at ease.

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