Thursday, October 29, 2009


Do you believe in the quotation Love is an Ocean of Emotion ? When we say love there are thousands of descriptions and beliefs out there. Some people doesn't even believe in it. Love is everywhere that's what they say. But how can we say that love is everywhere when many of us have different definitions of it? How can we say that it is everywhere when all we see on the news are cruelties and crimes everywhere.

For me love doesn't depend on emotion but instead more of a commitment. Our feelings change rapidly and is dependent to what we see and what we experienced. If your loved one betrayed you or mistreated you suddenly the feeling of love that you have flies away. I guess it is not true love. Real love is something that you can compare to the love of a little child to his parents. Even if his dad or mom spunk him or did not give  him what he wanted still he would still continue loving them. A little child doesn't hold grudges like adults commonly do. But no matter what others say I would just continue loving and loving and loving... ^_^

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