Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Getting Old

Alzheimer is a brain disorder that causes memory loss. Those who are getting old are the most common people who are getting this disease. In America it is the 7th leading cause of death. They say there is still no cure for the said ailment and it gets worse overtime.

I have mention before that my grandmother has this disease. I admire my tita for the patient that she has in taking care of grandma. I guess she was able to do it out of great love for her mom. A lot of people now who have aging parents doesn't have time to take care of them. I wonder what will happen to me when I grow old. I know my kids will have their own family that they need to take care of and which will be their first priority. Just in case this happens to me I hope my children will look for the best senior care to take care of me. I will understand it but I hope they would at least spare time to visit me.

I don't have sleep yet so I guess that is why I am thinking of things like this. But time pass by very fast and I getting old will be part of it.

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