Saturday, October 24, 2009

David's Field Trip

Yesterday was my sons field trip. He was in nursery so I let my husband accompanied him. Supposedly it was me who should come but the school move the field trip to a different date. The original date was October 6, but because of the tragedy caused by storm Ondoy the school decided to change the schedule. I am somewhat frustrated because I file a live to be able to join my son and all of the sudden it was change. It is so hard to get a slot for leave in the office. One thing that frustrates me is that part of the field trip is going to Enchanted Kingdom. I haven't been there so I was excited to go.

We left our little girl, Rhaine Danielle, who is 3 months old to my mom because nobody will take  care of her since I am going to work. The night before the field trip, David, got a fever. I told my husband to give him paracetamol. I work at night so during my lunch break around 4am, I called Robin to wake him up and get ready for the field trip.

I will post some of the picture here once I get home and downloaded the pics from my camera. One more thing that is frustrating was I did not charge my digital camera so they were not able to take pictures at Enchanted. I hope before this year end I will be able to visit Enchanted Kingdom.

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