Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Jacque Bermejo More Cruel than Storm Ondoy?

Tropical Storm Ondoy hits the Philippines a few days ago causing death and put the country under water. Last September 27 according to the news there are already 51 dead and 53 missing. Most houses are under water and people are waiting for rescue on the roof of their houses. Good thing a lot of people are also donating to help the victims of the said disaster. You can watch a video from CNN on this link showing how severe the flood is.

OFWs are very worried about their family here in the Philippines but there was this lady whom I think left the country because nobody loves her anymore. Jacque Bermejo is the talk of the town in facebook. While everyone is saddened because of the said flood she was able to give this comment.


  1. yeah! she shouldnt bother going back here in the philippines her face is posted all over ...the perfect example of a pinoy na mabaho pa kesa sa malansang isda...ma karma sana si ate


  2. I just posted a new article about her statement about the said issue. Its up to you guys if you would believe her or not
