Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rhogam, Out of Stock!

(8th day of my ML) Supposedly this post should be for yesterday but I fall asleep as well when I was letting David go to bed. I'll be speaking as if it is still Monday, hehehe!

I visited my OB this morning. It is my brother and sister in law who accompanied me since I don't want David to miss school since he is improving when it comes to having his dad at room. He now allow Robin to stay outside the class. He would just glance once in a while in the window. He also gets a star everyday... I hope when I give birth and his Lola bring him to school there will be no changes but more improvement.

My baby's heart beat is okay. My OB also told me to avoid moving around since my cervix is already soft to avoid going in to labor before my scheduled operation. I though everything is all set. I will go back to the hospital the next evening and give birth around 8am on July 8. Now I am not sure if we will be able to do that because Rhogam is out of stock! Waaaa!!!!

To those who are not aware. My blood type is RH negative which is very rare. You can read my recent post about this. I need this medicine to avoid having problem when I give birth again. I called different hospitals like Asian Hospital, Medical City, St. Luke's, Manila Doctors, San Juan de Dios etc. All of them doesn't have the medicine except St. Lukes, someone from the pharmacy said they only have one in stock which reserve for in-patient. Makati Medical Center, where we got the medicine before, said it is the supplier who doesn't have the stock but they already placed an order. I will try to call them back tomorrow and I hope it is already available or else we might need to reschedule my operation. Haaysss!

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