Monday, June 1, 2009

Love Life for Every Married Couple

We arrived 15 mins early before the church service yesterday.  We eat a quick breakfast and I saw a book sale in the lobby.  I decided to take a peak and maybe grab a book. I'm not really a bookworm, reading books is not part of my daily routine.  There are a lot of good books but then I decided to get this one, "LOVE LIFE FOR EVERY MARRIED COUPLE."  

4 years of marriage I guess is not that long. We've been to ups and down. There was even a point of almost breaking up but still here we are loving each other. I've known a lot of couple who separated ways for different reasons. This book interest me since I want to make our relationship stronger.

About the Author
Dr. Ed Wheat is a biblical counselor counselling people from all over the world in the areas of love, sex and marriage from biblical and medical view points. 

He was a family physician before in Springdale Arkansas. A good patient introduce him to the Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ.  From the day he became a christian he studied the word of God on what it had to say about him as a husband and father and putting it into practice.  He said the issue on most people is not sex, but the core problem: love, or the lack of it and their longing for it. 

Chapter 1: A Love Affair: It Can Happen to You!
I've just read Chapter 1.  It says that love affair is not a passionate interlude between a man and woman who are not married, as what most people think.  Dictionary defince love affair as "as affinity between two person"... a particular experience of being in love." 

He asked the readers to identify first where their marriage is and here are the list:
  • We have a good marriage now, but we want to continue to grow in love for each other.
  • We have never been in love, not even when first married.
  • We have lost the love that we once felt for each other.
  • Frankly, I am no longer in love with my partner.
  • My partner is indifferent or seems to love someone else.
  • We do care about each other, but our marriage is dull.
  • I would like to know what I can do to improve our relationship.
  • I want to restore our love and save our marriage, but my partner is uncooperative.
  • My partner wants a divorce.
  • We have serious problems but are agreed on trying to save our marriage.
  • Both of us want to learn how to fall in love with each other.
  • We're newly weds who want to build a love that will last and become more enjoyable all the time.
He said no matter what your situation is you and your partner can fall in love with each other all over again -- or maybe for the first time.  Even if you are trying to save your marriage all by yourself, without any cooperation from your partner, it can happen.

Maybe I'll read Chapter 2 tomorrow if I have time and make another post. See yah!

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