Monday, June 15, 2009

First Day of School

June 15, 2009 - Monday. My son's first day of school. I am excited to see my son wearing his school uniform and going to school for the first time. I already bought some small cookies, chocolates, some chips for his baon for the whole week.

I was worried that we would have a hard time waking him up in the morning because his school starts at 8:00am and he is use to waking up between 8-9am. So what I did is I let him sleep early last night. We wake him up around 6:30am so that he could eat breakfast before going to school. We did not have a problem waking him up and he is also excited wearing his school uniform and bringing his school bag.

7:45am - We leave the house and started to walk going to school. His school, Light & Shine Learning Center, is only 3-5mins away from our house. I thought everything is alright until we arrived there. He started to cling to his father and doesn't want to be left alone. During the flag ceremony I was holding his hands because he doesn't want to fall in line without me or his dad beside him. He cries inside the room so his dad stayed inside for whole class while me is just waiting outside.

Since it is their first day they spent only 2 hours in the school, the following days will be 3 hours. I asked Robin how was David. He feels that David is not yet ready. He said David would not look and listen to his teacher. He always looks around inside the class and would not participate. I said maybe he is still adjusting. I hope after a few weeks everything will be alright. He should learn to mingle with his classmates, listen to teacher's instruction and most of all not to have either me or his dad beside him inside the classroom.

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