Tuesday, June 9, 2009


For 2 consecutive weeks now D-Group or discipleship group is being promoted in CCF. "Grow BIG in a Small Group" is their slogan. In a big congregation like CCF, people grows more spiritually through their smaller group or D-Group. D-Group are small group of people whom you meet everyweek to study the word of God and ofcourse to make friends and have some fun.

I was an active church member before I got married. I was part of the music ministry and was involve in different church activities. But now all I can do is go to church every Sunday. I know I've been missing a lot of things and actually spending more time with other things rather than God. I just got a text message from a D-Group inviting us couple to attend their group this coming Saturday. I hope we can attend and start refreshing our relationship with God.

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