Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Crying Problem in Nursery School

It was my son's 2nd week in nursery. All throughout the 1st week my husband stayed in school because David would always cry inside the classroom. Yesterday I was at home and I did not accompany my kid going to school. I thought since it is already his 2nd week there will be improvement. To my surprise while I was browsing the web on my computer I heard my son's voice crying out loud.

My husband decided to bring him at home since he would not stop crying if his Dad would not stay inside the classroom. I guess Robin was not able to control his temper and spank David several times. I want to stop him from doing that but I don't want David to think that I am against his Dad. David would stare at me while crying as if he is asking for help. I feel sorry for my child, I don't want him to quit school or be afraid of going to school. I told my husband instead of waiting for my child just left him with his teacher and just come back to fetch him. I hope later everything will be alright. I am really worried about David.

David is a bright child at home. At the age of 4 he knows his ABC's, he can already count 1 up to 20, identify colors and shapes, has good reflexes, and he talks a lot. My husband told me that his teacher is asking him to right the letter A and David was not able to do it. I told him I already taught him to right his first name. I think David has this inner anxiety or fear inside the classroom. I know he cannot concentrate on things for a long time which is normal for kids but I guess he is afraid of mingling with other kids or afraid to do mistakes. Sometimes I was thinking his teacher is not good because part of her responsibility is to be able to help kids cope up with their emotional problem. They are only 12 kids in the class and I am hoping he could get any award in the end of the school year.

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