Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I believe God created all of us equally. We have our own unique identity and our own talent. I cannot understand how some people look at themselves superior that anyone else. Some whites or Americans actually look at their race superior than anybody else; this is based on my experience as a Technical Support Agent.

It is very rare that you get those kinds of call but sometimes it gives me a headache and pain inside me every time I get one. I just got one earlier today. After my greeting my customer's question is "Are you from Rhode Island?" , which is our main office in the US. I said no, "I am from the Philippines." He then said right away that he wanted to be transferred. He is also very hesitant in giving information.

I transferred the call and listen to them for a few seconds. Customer actually mentions that he almost threw up when he find out that our company has support from other countries. He even said that we will lose a lot of client if the company will keep those support. Haaaay.... it really strikes me and gives me kind of a hatred on him. But then I realized I should not be affected. I just need to accept that there are really people like him who are racist. Maybe he has a bad experience with some foreign support. But still I don't agree with him. I may not have fair skin, green or blue eyes, blonde hair or good height but then I do have talent and capabilities of my own, best of all I know how to respect others.

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