Friday, May 8, 2009

Online Payments

Most companies uses internet in promoting their service and also providing services to their customer. One of the common services over the web is making online payments. This is common for all banks and you can also do shopping online.

I've been doing online payments for more than 3 years now and so far I don't have any issue. That is where I used to pay my credit card and telephone bills. Actually I find it very convenient because I can do it anytime of the day and my payment is considered as payment on that same day. I don't need to go the hassle of traveling just to pay my bill.

Others are afraid of doing payments online because of fraud. There are a lot of fraud issues over the web but I guess as long as you are careful on what you are clicking and knows how to read carefully you will not be a victim. One of my techniques to avoid getting hack is not to save my password even if I am using my own computer.

If you haven't tried making online payment better try it now. All banks are making sure that their website has good security.

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