Monday, May 4, 2009

Core Values of CCF

L - Love God, family and Other

E -  Evangelism & Discipleship

A - Authority of the Bible & Spiritual Leaders

D - Dependence on the Holy Spirit and Prayer

S - Serve in small group

Last Sunday in the church we were told about the core values of CCF.  All CCF people should have this values which will serve as guidelines on how to be a good follower of Jesus Christ.

There are 3 kinds of Love that was mention during the service:

1. Love for the Savior
    - Jesus said if you love me you will keep my word / commandment

2. Love for the Saints
    - this refers to loving God's family and
    - loving immediate family

3. Love for the Sinners
   - we should help the weak, especially those we knew cannot pay us in return
   - show your love to unbelievers so that they will see the love of Christ
   - we should associate with the lowly   

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