Thursday, March 26, 2009

My Treasures

Because my shift is from 11pm to 8am I usually sleep around 11am to 7pm. This past few days I am having a hard time sleeping because of the heat. Since its already summer the temperature is too high. We don't have air conditioner at home and I am only using an electric fan. Most of the time I would wake up in the middle of my sleep because of getting irritated.

Yesterday I was awaken not by the temperature but by the loud cry of my son, David. It was raining outside so I thought he was afraid of the thunder. It was about 5 in the afternoon. Usually he and his dad would go to the basketball court near our house and eat "merienda." I looked around and saw Robin fixing our clothes outside so that it will not get wet by the rain.

I cuddled my son and asked him "Why are you crying?" He said, while tears are flowing in his eyes, "Baka patay daddy, kuryente cia" ( "Daddy might get kill by the lightning"). Its not really a hard rain and the possibility of getting hit by lightning is very very little. Maybe 0.000000001%. His reason for crying may seem non-sense for others but to me its means a lot.

His answer makes me realized how much he loves his father. He is really crying because he doesn't want to lose hid dad. It touches my heart and I guess it somewhat awakens the love I have for my husband. I actually got worried when he said he would climb the roof to remove some dirt. I told him to be careful because he might fall.

Robin and David are my treasures. Me and Robin have arguments and misunderstanding most of the time. He is not perfect. Even if I'm the only one working for our family and others look at it in a bad way, I do love him. He may not be the provider but he is a good father to my son and husband to me.

My little boy, David, is our gift from God. With his smile, hugs and kisses I am getting strength and courage to keep on going. No matter what happen I will do my best to have this family complete and not be broken by any circumstances. I am willing to take all the pain and hardship for them. Few months from now I will give birth to another child which would be part of this wonderful treasure that I have. (I have teary eyed when I wrote the last part of this. I guess when I talked about my family my heart gets really soft). I want to thank God for His guidance and love that He continue to shower over us.

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