Saturday, March 21, 2009

Acne Problem

3 more months to go and I'm about to give birth. I was praying that it would be a girl. Next will I have a scheduled ultrasound to find out the gender. There are a lot things that frightens me after giving birth. Some of these are how to lose wait, a lot of stretch marks :-( and hormonal change which could cause me again to get acne.

After giving birth to my first son. I go to my OB every three months for a contraceptive injection. I prefer that instead of taking pills because I am a forgetful person. I just put it on my reminder on my cellphone every 3 months. When my kid got 3 yrs old my husband and I decided to have another child.

The dilemma was when I stopped the injection all of the sudden acne started to appear. Mostly on my forehead and cheeks. I got irritated and decided to go with my mom and visit a derma. I don't really go to a dermatologist because I don't really have a problem with my skin. It was a painful experience. They pricked all my acne which at first makes my face swollen a little bit and was advise to avoid sunshine. I was given a soap and liquid medicine that I need to use everyday. I was also scheduled for two more check ups after that. It did help my acne was healed. I don't want to experience that again after giving birth. But in case if it happens again I might try products from Dr. SkinSpa that I saw from the internet.

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