Monday, March 16, 2009

3 Facts About Life

3 Facts About Life

1. You will be disappointed.

"Nobody is perfect " - its a very common quotation which is real.  No matter how good your child is, no matter how perfect your family is, you have a best friend for life, good stable job, very nice boss, lovable person surrounding you - expect they will disappoint you one time or another.  Its a fact, that's why we should love unconditionally and expect flaw from them.  And also remember no matter what you do people who loves and cares about you will get disappointed at you as well in some point. 

2. You will not always understand why things happens.

Isaiah 55:8-9 

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the Lord.

As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

Things happen for a reason.  If right now you have a problem like one of your love one has a very rare or incurable disease, financial issue, disobedient child, your job is at stake, your wife/spouse is unfaithful, death of a love one etc. you name it.  Don't blame God for what is happening.  God works in ways we will not be able to understand.  When we pray don't put God in a box like you are telling Him what to do.  He knows what is best for us. As long as you are following His ways he will lead you to the right direction. 

3. What ever happens to your life will either cause you to become bitter or better. 

We don't have control of what is happening or going to happen.  But we have control or choice on how you will react on the situation.  Example your child broke your favorite figurine, you have a choice on how you will react.  You can get mad, spunk him, and let him feel your anger or you can tell your child how important the figurine is but let him feel he is more important and next time he should be careful so that mommy will not get sad.  If you do the first option you prefer to become bitter and the second option helps you to become better.  In every situation don't let your feelings take over but instead take a pause and ask God what would be the best thing to do. 

- this 3 Facts was mention on last sunday service by Ptr. Joby Soriano.

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