Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My Mom's 54th Birthday

2 more days to go and its my Mom's 54th birthday. The celebration will be held at my tito's place in Endaya Cove. I already posted several event in this resort. Since my tito open the said resort we already celebrated a lot of events there.

My shift at work is always 12midnight - 9am. Since we need to go to Batangas I swapped schedule with one of my team mate to get the earliest shift which is 9pm-6am. My mom said she is not sure yet if we will be able to use our van to go there because my Kuya Dennis (my oldest brother) said he have a schedule business on the said date. He had a service I think in La Union, if you need to go somewhere and need a transportation you can contact him.

Whether we will have a vehicle or we will commute we will still celebrate my mom's birthday there. I don't have a gift yet. I'm thinking of maybe creating something instead of buying because I am out of budget. Just in case if you don't know I am the only one working and my husband take care of our little kid and our house. I hope I would be able to bring anything for my mom this Saturday. Any ideas will be appreciated.

Happy Birthday Mom, Love You!

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