Friday, November 14, 2008


The Builder of youth of the land,

Hail to thee, we adore

In thoughts, in words and in deeds

We are bound to defend

Southeastern College name

Known all o'er the eastern seas

The name we should keep

till the end of time

Your sons and daughters

Will cherish you forever

One day at work while waiting for a call I just started humming "Southeastern College Hymn." I guess its not surprising that I still know the song by heart since I studied there from grade 2 up to high school. Imagine singing the song everyday for about 8yrs (wew!). Time is really fast, I started to reminisce my elementary and high school days. Life was so easy then, all I worry about is school (passing the exam, not to be caught noisy, avoid being late, seeing your crush....etc), those days were really fun. I did find out that my school already have a website I checked the list of teachers and I guess they were all new, or maybe my memory is not that good. I wonder how the school looks like now. I have a lot of experiences there that I guess would always be part of my life and part of what and who I am today. I would like to say hi to my high school batch mates, graduates of year 1994-1998. God Bless you All!!!!! I wonder where are you guys right now, maybe some of you already have mansions..... wow!

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