Sunday, October 26, 2008

Attacked by White Ants

I've mention that my mom was looking for a new bed.  The reason for this was her house was attacked again by these destructive white ants or "anay."  This is the 4th time it happened after living their for almost 10 years.  The damage this time is greater.  Before it only destroyed books and a little damage to our cabinet. Now it was able to penetrate to the wall and its on its way going to the ceiling.  "Mang Kards", the carpenter, says if it was not detected it can bring the whole ceiling down. AW! What a disaster.  If you look into a single termite it doesnt look that it is destructive.  But the problem was they always live by colony and their numbers was so many that it can bring a whole house down. 

This a picture of them that I got from the internet.

Mang Kards says to avoid these termites from coming back you must kill their nest and their queen. But what so amazing about the queen is that it can live up to 25years producing around 2000 eggs a day.  Wew! Its a good thing their so tiny. 

Picture of the Queen.

The queen lays 3 types of termite, a winged type, soldier and worker.  The winged type they soon will be a king or queen.  Soldier type protects the colony. The worker are the largest population who does the damage.  If your house is made of wood be aware of this destructive creature.  Usually you will notice their nest like a small tunnel of soil. 

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